Rdm is my default job. If I don't know what I'm doing, I click Rdm and go from there. What differs with me and many other rdm is my default sub-job selection. I have trouble clicking on whm sub, because after being pseudo-forced into playing rdm/sch, I've grown to prefer it to rdm/whm. I am oddly self sufficient for all of my jobs as far as transportation, so I typically satchel 10+ teleport rings and 4+ warp cudgels so I don't have to rely on my subjob or someone else for transportation.
Now usually it's pretty simple and I just sub ninja. During certain events I'll realize I'm the only erase for a party, or curaga is a necessity, and I'll sub whm; but this has been pretty rare. In between I find that I'm almost always choosing to sub scholar. Events like Dynamis and popping Ix'aerns, I've grown to really enjoy all of the assets /sch has to offer.
★ Rdm/Sch ★ (Keep in mind many of the things below apply to all jobs utilizing Sch as a sub-job)
When many people think of scholar sub, sublimation comes to mind simply because scholar has become a popular sub for whm and sublimation is one of the most notable benefits. Sublimation is nice, but refresh is typically more beneficial overall and the 2 don't stack, in fact sublimation overwrites refresh. Refresh especially shines when paired with composure, for a lengthy duration and minimal MP cost. My Rdm was astral burned to 75 in 8 days, so ALL of my skills were way below cap and I subbed sch simply because in order to be at all effective, I had to...
During my rdm/sch journey, I realized how much this sub has to offer and just how useful it can be in certain scenarios. During dynamis (which I prefer to pull as rdm, utilizing silence to avoid long mob casts that can cause links) I typically time composure and light arts together - cast refresh, phalanx, haste - then if time permits - stoneskin and blink (5min durations so I don't really care if they are composured, but doesn't hurt). If anyone needs prot/shell or any other enhancing buffs I'll try to cast those while still under the light arts effects. After buffing and cancelling composure I switch to dark arts and stay under this effect for the majority of the run, repeating the cycle between pulls.
Light arts and Dark arts both provide a benefit to their corresponding spells. They also cause a penalty for using a spell corresponding to your current opposing art. While under light arts - light magic (Divine, healing, enhancing, some enfeebling) costs 10% less MP and reduces both cast and recast by 10% (This is different than fast cast, which typically reduces the recast half of what is reduced from the cast bar). Also while under the effects of light arts, you suffer a 20% penalty to spells cast from the opposing art, dark arts (dark, elemental, and the remaining enfeebling). The reverse applies to dark arts. The key is keeping your cycles organized and structured, in order to keep the arts more efficient than detrimental.
One oddity of the arts, is the inability to cancel them once active. If you zone, the art disappears and you are once again neutral. There are times when you find being neutral would be more beneficial, but you can't manually cancel either light or dark arts.
Dark arts
Raises skill levels of Enfeebling, Elemental, and Dark magic to 246 (if the skill is 1-200) or 256 (if the skill is 201-255).
Dark Magic - Dark skill changes from 200 cap to 246.. This means a few things, but one of the more notable is 9 dmg / tick Bio 3 (251skill) is now feasible (quite easy). I'm even missing Crimson Fng. Gauntlets, but still can reach 261 via Merciful cape, Aesir Torque, and Glamor Jupon. Without Sch sub it's very difficult, if not impossible to reach 9 dmg / tick Bio 3 (I think it's possible with merits or certain weather/moon/day phases or something.. not sure).
Drain and Aspir numbers become much better. In Dynamis while using an Anrin Obi, your numbers get pretty close to all those cool Blm's. The following pic was on darksday using Anrin, but actually capped my HP and could have been higher... (IT mob in sea)
Elemental Magic - Elemental skill is increased from C+ to B+, or from 230 cap to 256 cap. 26 skill increase. Sch sub doesn't provide much in addition to Rdm's normal repertoire as far as additional elemental magic spells, but the skill increases the magic accuracy notably.
Enfeebling Magic - Aside from the bonuses (or penalties) provided from the particular art you are casting, /sch doesn't change much for Rdm as far as enfeebling magic is concerned. If you are below the cap like I was, it raises you to 246/256 and still allows you to skill up in the process.
Light arts
Raises skill level of healing, divine, enhancing, and enfeebling.
Divine and healing aren't of huge importance and enhancing and enfeebling don't benefit unless you're below capped skill. The main thing light arts does for rdm is open up the spells available from addendum white. This is what really makes /sch my choice for dynamis instead of /blm. Its combination of access to the majority of -na spells and ability to aspir and drain, make it a really versatile sub-job choice...
Ended up not finishing this when I wrote it and now it's really badly written and confusing, but I don't want to waste it or w/e so I'm gonna post it anyways, lol. I was curious why more rdm don't sub sch more often, which was my reason for originally writing this.. I think. Anyways, rdm is already a really busy job and subbing sch makes it even more complicated. If you like trying new challenges and haven't experimented with /sch, you might find it surprising how much you like it!
w/e im tired. =]
Found this screen shot kind of funny. Never seen so many JT resists in a row. There was actually one prior to the log as well, for a total of 5 in a row. (Wonder if 81-84 gets Resist Sleep IV? Lol)