CoNtiNuEd FrOm SuNdAy

Dec 29, 2003 12:00

WhY aM i So WeiRd??...i ThiNk KriStiNa TriEs To GeT uPsEt jUsT sO i WiLL dO sOmEtHiN wEiRd To ChEeR hEr Up...LiKe bRiNg HeR bUbBLe RaP tO tAkE oUt hEr AnGeR??? hAhAh [eVeN tHo i WaS tHe OnE tHaT eNdEd Up UsiNg iT].. yEa AnD i ALsO bRoUgHt HeR a LoLiPoP...:-D

ToDaYs BeEn vErY uNeXciTiNg, HaVeNt DoNe A tHiNg!!

*This purchased rebellion has been outdated,
denounced and rescinded and left to die championless.
*I begged you not to go. I begged you, I pleaded.
*Claimed you as my only hope, *&* watched the floor as you retreated.
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