just playing around with coloring

Apr 05, 2010 19:21


Naomi: Sorry I couldn't make it to the top.
Liam: Stop. Don't be silly.
Ivy: Yeah the view isn't really that great. You might as well buy the postcard, right?

Dixon: What exactly is a seitan burger?
Silver: It's like a burger, except instead of the burger part, it has seitan.
Dixon: I dunno, it sound to me like you're having a satan burger.

Naomi: I'd feel naked without it.
Silver: Why?
Naomi: Because I am naked without it.

Navid: Just like the poster says: I'm not a rat. I'm a hero.
Liam: You're an idiot.

Dixon: I woke up one morning surrounded by white people I was supposed to bond with. Like that.

Melrose Place

Lauren: I had sex for money. I was a prostitute.

Ella: I always knew you would win an Oscar someday, but I never knew it would be for acting. Bravo!

Johna: Too bad in real life there's no undo command.


J.D.: Go ahead, insult me like you always do.
Janitor: Too easy. When you least expect it.

Janitor: You seem unhappy. I like it.

Dr. Cox: Yes, hello? Could we please get my hormonal extremely annoying ex-wife's amnio underway?
Jordan: Wow, I can't wait to write that down in the baby journal. [Dr. Cox grunts]
Jordan: Could you be a bigger ass right now?
Dr. Cox: Could you have a bigger ass right now?

Dr. Cox: The key to my exercise program is this one simple truth: I hate my body.
Turk: What?
Dr. Cox: Do you understand the second you look in the mirror and you're happy with what you see, baby, you just lost the battle.
Turk: You should give speeches to teenage girls.

Dr. Cox: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present, Man Not Caring. [points to self]

Cox: [in response to something JD just said] Oh, my God! I care so little, I almost passed out!

Dill Mill Gayye

Gossip Girl

Chuck Bass: What we're entitled to is a house in the Hamptons. Maybe a prescription drug problem. But happiness does not seem to be on the menu so smoke up and seal the deal with Blair because you're also entitled to tap that ass.

Blair: Do you want us to wait? It looks like you've got a lot of yogurt left.

Chuck Bass: Serena looked effing hot last night. There's something wrong with that level of perfection. It needs to be violated.

Nate: You are deeply disturbed.

Vampire Diaries

Damon: That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot.

Damon: You'll be mine before the next snow flies.

Damon: If I see something I have not seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it.


picspam: 90210, !designer: lalita, picspam: vampire diaries, picspam: scrubs, picspam: gossip girl, picspam: dill mill gayye, picspam: melrose place

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