TODAY @---

Feb 15, 2005 16:50

Today was pretty good. Tomorrow i have track pics track pics and i dont know what to wear? I got my track shirt..its not the cutest thing in the world but itll do:0)I absoluty love my track buddies..Torrey, Haleigh, Rachel, Katie!..Torrey..STOPLIGHT! haha that was so fricken funny! i better go ask for directions;)GOOD NEWS!.. I wore my power rangers shirt today! OMG KELSEY AND MIMI..ARE LITTLE BOYZ SHIRTS ARE SO SEXY! (Tee*Hee) Ok so i bought mimi this giraffe and named it ...flaromp, and like gave her a love letter IT GAVE ME A CHUCKLE! (sucha stephanie word;)) So Yeh..that was my day, not that exciting but owell not everything is perfect! ***COMMENT LUVERS***

Ex'S n OoO's
<3 Stephie
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