Losing The Plot

Oct 13, 2014 00:03

There are times when much revered and age-old institutions start to lose their plot and lose their focus somewhat. Perhaps it has to do with keeping their relevance in the modern age, and trying to cater to the preferences of the fickle Internet age.

First came the Nobel Peace Prize for Barack Obama back in 2009. What did he do for world peace at that stage? He only assumed the office of the President of the United States of America on 20 Jan 2009! Sure, he was the first black American a President, but that has nothing to do with world peace!

Then, this year, Malala Yousafzai was named as a joint-recepient of the Nobel Peace Prize! Sure, I respect Ms. Yousafzai's struggle for her right to education that had almost resulted in her loss of life, but does this constitute such an outstanding contribution to world peace?

I understand that the fight for the access to education is an important one, since education is oft the route to the end of poverty. However, I fail to see how this comes in front of the thousands of aid workers, risking their lives in war zones and areas of conflict. Or the many medical aid workers working to contain the spread of the Ebola epidemic in Africa. Or those people fighting against the spread of ISIS. Surely their contributions and fights cannot be taken lightly!

So, I wonder if the Nobel Foundation is losing its plot, and looking at what is setting the Internet on fire, rather than considering the actual global implications of individuals and their actions. Make no doubt, I do respect both Mr. Obama and Ms. Yousafzai, but I cannot fathom how they could deserve their respective Nobel Prizes.
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