Claiming Back Personal Space

May 23, 2012 21:17

Living in a densely-populated environment can take a lot out of people, and some have found a solace in the toilet. Strange as it may be, but some read books or surf the net in toilet cubicles, for that may be the last remnant of privacy that the world does not invade (we are excluding the communal toilet set-ups in China here).

Yet, people are fighting back against this invasion of space. From the Walkman to the iPod, and now the iPad and other tablets, people are using these created environments to block others out. The use of personal music players are not limited to public transport, but also at the workplace where open plan offices allow for much less privacy and personal space.

So what will it come to? As more people are squashed into smaller spaces, the more they attempt to retreat into their own space. Perhaps this could be an underlying reason why many feel happier to interact in cyberspace than in real life, for they feel that they can control cyber-proximity.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, personal space, urbanization, sociology, psychology

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