Reflections on Love

Apr 01, 2012 14:41

Most people relate love to the lovey-dovey feeling and the stuff of romance movies. How much of that actually happens in reality?

Love is probably the most irrational thing that humans share. You give up things you consider important, in exchange for a chance to share it with someone else. In reality, two different people are bound to misinterpret the true intentions behind various actions, often resulting in the pain also associated with love.

So why do we continue to pursue love, knowing full well that the probability of success is low? Is the reward for love really that great, to deserve the huge risks entailed? Or is it something of a societal construct that everyone follows, such as gift-giving?

I do admit that the feeling of falling in love is wonderful. The feeling that makes you think you will sacrifice everything in pursuit of love. However, most of us realize that it is not what we make it out to be (from our own perspective), but involves a whole lot of compromise and communication. What then results is often something that is actually quite far removed from our idealized picture of love.

How many of us then are still prepared to accept that far-from-perfect picture? Perhaps that is why there are so many failures and so few successes in love. It is very easy to blame the other party for the failure of a relationship, but how many of us are willing to shoulder part of the responsibility that we also need to?

For love is ultimately not about two selves, but what two together can build. Most of us fail to see that, and only want it on our own terms. Yet, when two are willing to put their individuality aside, and create a new unit, that is when true magic begins.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, reflections, love

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