Do You Enjoy Work?

Feb 13, 2012 08:26

Work is sometimes called a four-letter word. For many, it is a sheer necessity, for it puts food on the table and keeps up the mortgage payments.

Yet, would you continue to work if you got no money in return? I doubt the majority of people would. Most do not enjoy their work enough for them to continue if there were no wages.

A friend asked me if I would still work if I was a trust-fund baby and the job paid me $25k a month. I told him that I would still work, even for nothing, if I found purpose and meaning to that work.

Which gets me to the intrinsic problem with most employers today (and when I say that, I also mean most HR departments). Hardly anyone communicates the appreciation on a job well-done, or how a person's work fits into the greater scheme of things. That is the exact thing that gives a person purpose and meaning in their job. Instead, it usual revolves around the pay packet and other forms of compensation.

Have we got something wrong here? For human resource research reveals that most people actually leave or stay in a job because of their boss, rather than issues like pay. I would go further to say that it is probably because good bosses communicate and appreciate, and provide the intrinsic motivational factors that are even more important that the extrinsic ones like pay packets.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, job, job satisfaction, work

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