Mar 22, 2005 18:43
"I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me. There's a mark you leave, like a love heart carved on a tree. . .i bruise easily can't scratch the surface without moving me-underneath i bruise easily..."
Suchhh a byutiful song by d already legendary Natasha bedingfield!!..songwriting like that makes you soOo0 thankful foh the gift of music..and its such an emo song too .so dts gud!. [my soul's soO emo]..<3 u natasha whe-ever u may b!
well.bOoh0o dahdi n mahmi are floating on d air this very moment on their way to the great United States of America. First stop L.A foh 2 dais den.. ..guess where dey'r goin?.. ..clues: tranquilizin' oceans, hibiscus.NOh?..hula skirts, coconut bras, flower neklace thingies?!?!----HAWAII.. ..dey r goin to hawaii.. ..ahh how cud dey soak up d sun and bathe a midst the clear sand beaches without urs truly? (ewwWy how vain).. ..well, i guess all in due tyme. i mean we get to go to dubayy n to dt im thankful foh--enuf! n to b fair nman dey won't b derh to holiday n relax, they'r actually workin their butts off...soOoO in a way i do hope dey soak up all dt sun and swim into d seas.. ..dey deserve it!.!.i miss dem alredy..='(
o0oh my drummer boi n my razzle dazzle girl r togeda = foheva!.d foheva bit i hope..xhw sweetx..he's one freakin flammin skillful drummer and she is my home gurl who i ave d most inside jokes wit n makes me laugh wit agony--yeyh! a nu couple..bes of luk to d two..*mwahkazs*
school wus evn..las maths lesson in THREE WEEKS! w0Oho0..n i got an easter egg from my veggie! BUT lil' bro ry gave me a bad arm from our 'slap me' game--- HE HIT in MY PRESSURE POINT!gRhh..+ we got told off...tsktsktsktsk...
uyyy julzo-LARRY is alredy famous in school..evryone knows about him n evryone is dying to see d -SNAIL-..hihihihi.i hope u don't mind wit all d publicity, i think he'l like it..n i think he misses u..awWwW..don't worry!....lisen-lisen to dt sOnG u bassisst!!
anyh0o..las coursework due in tmara foh grafikas AND ohYEH! my razzle dazzle, my whummper and my goushe wen't to go c ANASTACIA yesterdai nyte in Wembly---howw kewl?! it was effin amazin daw according to my goushe..hihihihi..but my dear goushe is a wee bit pissd at d moh..OHh we luv u goushe!x.x.x
well, bfoh i go i do apologize, bcus ive jus realizd dt tis particular entry is whole lotta crap to some felo bloggers wit all d unknown names plonkd hir n derh.. sowee! =)..