Starting to fall apart

Sep 02, 2011 22:11

I like someone I possibly have no business liking. I know they like me back as they'd said whilst still friends. Being the moral person I am, when they said this their last relationship was sinking like the Titanic, I encouraged them to talk it out and try to save it. I was told there was nothing more to save, and so I agreed to see where it went. I didn't expect to be walking round with a silly grin on my face for a while, thinking how lucky I am to meet someone that understands & appreciates me.

I heard from this person again, and it took my smile straight off. I know I walked into this both eyes open, understanding this is a day at a time thing. But I had secretly hoped not so soon for the end.

If thats how it is to be then I bear no anger, as everyone was upfront about the way things stood. I just hope that I've not hurt anyone and that everyone manages to appreciate what they have in front of them

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