fandom survey!!! :D

Apr 15, 2011 03:26

Because I am nosy curious and bored - like a cat, only less fuzzy and less likeable - I devised a couple of questions on fandom, shipping and fanfiction. I'm really curious to see the results, I'm even curious to see if anybody will take the quiz. It's nothing extraordinary, just a few random questions I've been asking myself so if you have the time please peek under the cut. ;)

For now, here, have a smouldering Darren gif for your trouble. :D

  • How old are you?
  • What pairings, in what fandoms do you ship? Why?
  • Slash, femmeslash or het? Why?
  • What was your first ship? what about your first slash/femmeslash fic?
  • How old were you when you first started reading fic? How old were you when you found slash/femmeslash?
  • What activities do you do in the fandoms you're inserted in? Do you just read fic or do you write it as well?
  • If you do create for your fandom, what do you do?
  • Do you regularly take constructive criticism on your work or prefer people to hold on to it?
  • Do you friendlock your work? If so, why?
  • RPF, yes or no?
  • Do you have an OTP or are you an anything-goes kind of person (for example, you ship the same character with multiple other persons)
  • Do you prefer plot-oriented fics or smut?
  • What is the maximum rating of fic you'll read?
  • If it applies, do you remember the first NC-17 fic you've read? What was the pairing? How did you react?
  • How do you feel about fandoms that ship a pairing that's contradictory to your OTP?
  • And last, but not least: cake or pie? (hint: there is only one correct answer)

Thank you for your time. <3 there will be cake at the end.

cake, boredom, fandom

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