Announcements from the House of Dambreveille, The Kingdom of Damaran

Nov 30, 2005 07:02

On the occasion of the arrival of Lady Amarantha Wyndmyr, the Rose of Grandiholm to Tethyr Keep, His Majesty King Dathar has proclaimed three days of celebration and festivities marking her arrival, commencing the morn of Nom 30-05 to dusk Dek 02-05.


His Majesty King Dathar also wishes to announce a promotion marking years of service to the good people of Damaran and to the House of Dambreville.

Upon his return from the Eastern War, King Dathar of Damaran will hold a ceremony marking the 9th year of service by the High Cleric Crysanis by dubbing him:
Crysanis, ARCH-PALADIN of Damaran, the White Flame of Frostheim, Keeper of the Rosslyn Chapel


His Majesty King Dathar also wishes to announce a promotion marking years of service to the Allied Forces of Damaran and the former Kingdom of Manetheran.

Upon his return from the Eastern War, King Dathar of Damaran will hold a ceremony marking the 10th year of service by Grand Admiral Thrawn, Commander Allied Forces by dubbing him:
DUKE Arar Thrawn, Commander Allied Forces, Governor of the Port City of Kales

Declared by official order this day, Nom 30-05.
King Dathar
Sovereign Ruler of all Damaran, Welling, and Kales
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