Dec 15, 2013 13:25
3 days into my new meds. It's not bad. I'm not going to lie, I haven't had a better self image of myself ever. Side effects are minor but present. I have some dizziness, a much smaller appetite, and my heart feels like it is having a work out. My resting heart rate isn't any faster, I just seem to be more aware of it. Weird.
Reasons for change. I have been on Lamictal and Mirtazipine for a long time. And over the last year and a half or so I have been more and more depressed and more often. I'm bipolar so mood swings aren't unusual, but it has been abnormal to be down this much and as low. The only art I have made has been commissioned work. I haven't made any new paintings for me in years. I would come home from parties and just want to cry, for no reason other than my emotions were rioting to tears.
I haven't been happy with my psychiatrist, he had been consistently late, and since my insurance changed he has been completely unaffordable. And his sliding scale wasn't cutting it anymore. So I switched.
The plan. Get off mirtazipine and on pristiq. It is different. Exciting, motivating, and so far worth the very minor annoyance of the side effects. My hope is that they will pass or I will get used to it. Now to eat smaller meals and more often