Jul 05, 2004 15:51
Wow...i ahvnt updated this in sooo long its not even funny...Well last week i went on a Mission Trip with my church it ws soooooo much fun....at first i thought it was going to be really gay but it turned out to be the total opposite of what i thought it was going to be. I met sooo many great people there! Nick,Joey,Scotty(The Hottie):),Aaron,Jan,Aoudry,Allison,Cierra,Olivia i love you all u guys r the AWESOME! I have soo many great memories from the trip! Helping this kid named david(not me....WOW those wer great times...Anyways enough of the trip i know u want to hear about it but i have much more to write about. Friday, i go to payson and then after that i come back for a day and then i go to Montlure.(I cant wait its going to be soooooo much fun!) Drop a comment...