
Aug 28, 2012 23:55

Patryk wrote:

Dear Sveta,
After spending 9 months in Indonesia I just came back "hoem", to Europe, forcing myself to "be normal". But I can't. It is killing me. So here I am, finding your profile. You're amazing. Thank you for BEING, for your existence. Just like that. I had to tell you that.
You gave me strength to get back to Asia, hitchhiking from Europe.
Hope to meet you some day!
If not - don't change. Change the world.

From Brian Gordon 
 Livingston, United States
 Aug 25 

I'm not sure why I would want to be friends with a cold-hearted thief and liar? No matter how many clothes you take off Sveta, you're still not revealing anything about yourself.
I hope you get help for your self-cutting and shaving your head ala Britney Spears when you don't get your way.
Good luck with a green card.

editFor Brian Gordon 
 Livingston, United States
 Aug 13 

B.P.Gordon appeared in my life drunk and impudent with words:«What do you think about Americans?That we are all fat and stupid?» Before I hadn't thought about it.Later that night he slept on a rug next to my couch hugging my right leg.We made many discoveries for those long4winterUkrainianMonths while he was surfing my bed:he was the first CSer I slept with,he turned 30 in my arms,we created Sokolova-Gordon’s vocabulary,for NewYear in Istanbul we had a ride on a garbage car and then we lived through Brian’s “I'll be papa”hysteric.Once we even pissed on each other in shower.I’m not sure if I ever have been closer to anyone. He decided to leave.I knew from his diary that second Brian had been living with me for free flat and sex dreaming about prostitutes.I had asked being truthful.Thus with him I was the happiest and the saddest creature in the world. Later he suggested me being friends.I agreed.He refused to help me when I came to his country.I’m still waiting the friendship to happen
От кого: Brian Gordon
Кому: Светлана Cоколова
Дата: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 17:39:14 -0800


мужики, переписка

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