Sep 03, 2004 15:34
All these Mother Fuckers need to step off. OK, I'm pissed off. first off it's been kinda stressful around here I had to move rooms and have been getting a lot of shit for it and getting the runaround is really starting to get old. But I'm finally in my new room, same building but on the second deck instead of the third. so one less flight of stairs. But I fucking hate moving, I had all my shit situated just right and now they made me take all my shit into a new room that's actually in worse fucking condition than my old room, it's bullshit. Works been the same ol same ol, Coffey's back from Diver's school, that's cool, he's one of my good buddies on my boat, plus a good FT. Moreno transferred yesterday, that sucked, he was by far my best friend on the boat. He's staying in Groton though so I'll still be seein him around and stuff, but I liked standing watch with him underway more than anyone else so that kinda sucks that I'm gonna have to start standing watch with someone else u nderway. OH well... he's happier now that he's off the boat, I CAN'T WAIT for the day I get back from sea for the last time and know that I'll never hear 'UNDERWAY' EVER AGAIN!
OK onto what's really got me pissed off right now. Amber's friend Chad who I've been pretty cool with I think even though he's obviously got the hots for my fiance. I know she doesn't want him so I'm not worried about that. He's one of her good friends, or was one of her good friends, but he's turned into a complete fucking asshole towards her. He is freaked out cause Amber's gonna be livin with me, I think he's been living in a dream world that Amber is his, obviously Amber doesn't want some little bitch ass mother fucker to be her man. He never had the balls to tell Amber how he felt though he had years before me and Amber got back together. And now that he see's that he really has no chance of getting her to himself like he obviously dreams about he's being a little bitch and whining and complaining and telling Amber how she's making rash and stupid decisions. It's funny how he never said anything like this while I was still in Arkansas. Would you believe that he even had HIS MOM come down with him one day and they talked to Amber about her 'decisions' and how she may need to rethink some stuff. Never came out and outright said it was about her engagement, but Amber's not fucking stupid she knows they were telling her to kick me to the curb and stay with him. Any kind of guy that needs to have HIS FUCKING MOM come and fight his battle for him obiously doesn't deserve to be called a man. I wish this mother fucker would call me. better yet I wish I could see him. I'd tear into him like he can only imagine, I dont think I'd hit him cause he's the kind of guy that it'd be way too pitiful to actually hit him. But I would LOVE it if he would swoll up to me and I'd have the chance to just proceed to pounding away. So a word to everyone, Dont make my Fiance cry. Dont talk down to her. Dont critisize her dedisions. And dont start pulling the Religion card and start calling her a bad Christian, cause we all know that Amber is a Great Christian. Better than me cause I dont feel bad beating the shit outta a pansie little sone of a bitch. This 'Holier Than Thou' bullshit better stop. That's all I got to say on that.
OH, my mom called me last night bitching at me too. we pretty much hung up on each other and then I threw my fucking phone accross the room. I'm not calling home this weekend and i've called home every weekend for years. but right now I dont fucking care.