Arashi Anniversary Tour 5x10 DVD

Mar 17, 2010 09:42

too anxious~!
keep checking my mail
but still no reply yet
from the person.

i hv decided to buy the "Arashi Anniversary Tour 5x10 DVD"
fr and share the delivery cost
with some1 else.

hopefully, i had make a rite decision
praying tat everythinks wil go on smoothly..

too excited~!!!
mind just abt their DVD

the only Arashi concert i have was
their "1st Suppin' Arashi" concert vcd
i bought it yearsss ago.
and it was those distributed outside Japan only

for now, shd b solely distributed in japan
and wil b count in Oricon chart.
Their 10th years anniversary concert.
i must have it~! =p

count down to release date, 7 April 2010

dvd, arashi

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