Riida's 誕生日おめでとう~!

Nov 27, 2009 01:28

1stly, i would like to wish my dearest Riida
誕生日おめでとうございます~! muacks~!
i wonder how's they (rest of the mbrs) gona celebrate riida's bdae..
hee hee. Wil love Riida & Arashi forever~! =)

Just make a very simple wallpaper to celebrate riida's Bday.

I know it's not a very well done clip
but jus wana do sth for Riida's bdae only.

image Click to view

Back home ard 10pm. (missed the live VS Arashi)
but didnt expect ihsara002-san to be so efficient.
it has oreadi uploaded to Youtube. Yatta~!

tis week VS Arashi~! (26.11.09) kindaaa funnny
surprisingly they lost to a Female Grp. =x
quite sad..~!

they shdnt hv mk promise (i m nt too sure) w/ their opponent
both Riida & Gacket san lost @ フォーリングパイプ concer. (falling pipes)

End up Riida & Gacket..
seriously i duno y 山田花子 do tt to Riida..

Riida seems lik quite unwillingly

But actuali he's happy??!~!

For Gackt one, is even funnier...
Gackt walking to ハリセンボン-san

ハリセンボン-san waiting happily...

Gackt got so close to ハリセンボン-san

Gackt said: R u ready?
ハリセンボン-san: Nodded, yes~!
OMG~! wahahahahahhaz~!


ハリセンボン-san too happppy. Yes, u're not dreaming.
It's REAL~! hahahhahahz!

Simply cant stop Laughing..Wahaahahhaz~!

Reallly dun unds y
Arashi kp asking Gackt to give Riida
Birthday present (referring to the rings he wore).

Later on...Gackt gave up. He gave one to Riida.
Riida was soooo HApppppy and.........

Riida immediately hugged Gackt-san

It's so warm-hearting scene

Gackt patted Riida Head. =s

Lastly..their score..

Tis wk VS Arashi real Funnny~! Arashi & Gacket are so kawaii~!
Now, waiting patiently for the Himistu no Arashi Chan to be uploaded
and watch it~! I love Arashi so much.... Muacks~! addicted~!

Credits: ihsara002 & Fuji TV~VS Arashi

clip, happy birthday, gackt, wallpaper, vs arashi, otanjobi omedeto, ohno satoshi

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