officially June and I aren't on speaking terms

Jun 30, 2011 20:39

So.  After the hospital visit for my mom and suffering through Nate being sick (turns out it's mono), me being sick myself, June goes out with a big old F YOU: we got robbed.  Fortunately, dogs were ok.  Weirdly, dogs were outside and the culprit had opened both backyard gates.  All they did was ransack the bedrooms, looking in underwear/clothes drawers and under the mattress... except they took my grandma's jewelery and the roommate's laptop.  Luckily, my engagement ring (which was in a box right next to the jewelery taken) wasn't taken, and the one drawer of socks they didn't go through in roommate's room had gift jewelery.  Still, it's a huge blow to be invaded like that, and that they stuff they took is irreplaceable (roommate's laptop had non-backed up content, plus the stuff from my gma).

The other worst thing is what's been keeping me feeling safe when i'm home alone is that I thought no one would bother the house with the two large-ish dogs.  I can't IMAGINE what possibly could have happened (Genbu does NOT like strangers of any flavor in the house, he's even lunged & threatened people over for parties when they're too "friendly").

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