More VD than you can handle...

Feb 14, 2010 23:23

Today rob_nickel  posted a David Bowie video in an entry named "VD"

I guess it tells sums of me when I reveal that I read the "VD" as "Venereal Disease" and not Valentine's Day...

Of course the concept of Valentine's Day is also marketed quite heavily here in Denmark, but I simply refuse to partake in what has now become a commercial happening that require you to profess your love for the sake of it being Feb. 14th...   As if the love on all other days of the year had some lesser value...

Also the guilt trip of not having made said exclamation to someone - or the sadness of apparently not being anybody's Valentine...

It just seems so absurd....

This is the only thing that has brighten my mood re: Valentine's Day :

cupid, valentines, relationship

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