These last few days have been rather hectic ... And a plethora of loose ends and unfinished assignments have had me all up in the red zone with stress...
It seems there's (at least) two forms of strees - much like with cholesterol :
- the good 'stress' is when you know the deadlines are approaching with warp-like speed - you can feel the urgency - your pulse may even be slightly elevated - and yet, you don't get dismayed....
- the bad stess is when either the deadline has passed - or if there's just to many loose ends or unfinished business - and although you know quite right that you should do the rational thing (that is: start with one thing, finish it, get on with next pending item) - the stress just leaves you paralyzed ... Then you start a guilt-trip because you can't just default to the rationale right in front of you - and a vicious circle forms! --- this is a very bad condition...
None the less - i've had a case of the "bad stress" these last few days....
I've been working on an assignment - an experimental analysis of certain scheduling algorithms used in Grid Processing - and my supervisor said that she liked my work, but that i had some few assumptions that was invalid - so she wanted those fixed and the experiment rerun, so the claims in my report would be sound...
Being swamped with other things - i've kind of neglected to making these changes - although it turned out to be a mere hour of work ...
Now i'm two weeks late on this - fortunately, i've now made the needed changes and the experiment is churning away in a background shell whilst i'm writing this - and thereafter it's only a matter of rewriting certain parts of the report - and i'll be able to put an end to this assignment (Yes!) ... Unfortunately it seems that my new results contradicts my previous conclusion (based on when i ran the experiment with false assumptions) so a new conclusion will have to be written as well...
But this has not been the only thing on my list -- I've had about a dozen things on my "Treasurer of the Gay/Lesbian association"-list pending -- that list is now down to 3 items...
And i still need to update my local bear community's web page (sorry guys - it's all in danish) with an invite for an event taking place early next year ... - this should also have been done like 2 weeks ago .... - but that is a thing for tomorrow ...
meanwhile the experiment has finished -- it's funny that the results now is totally reversed of those i had earlier ... Seems like the unrestricted greedy First-Fit-Decreasing wasn't the killer algorithm after all --- shame really *LOL*
oh well -- ta ta for now .. i have a report to write !