Blackwing's Specs

Jun 27, 2008 22:12

Edit: Added likes/dislikes/squicks

Name: Blackwing
Type: Transformer
Gender: male
Eyes: light purple
Height: 7'0"
Description: His color scheme is mostly dark purple and silver, with some tan thrown in on his lynx parts. His raven head sits on his chest in robot mode, and his back talons become his feet. Other than that and his head I haven’t fleshed out his robot mode much, so feel free to experiment! He’s of the tall and lanky variety.
     His technorganic robot mode has been fleshed out, however. (For some reason it’s easier for me to hyper-stylize things… ;^_^) His arms are connected at the elbow only by a piston and hinge, and there are holes at the backs of his knees as well. His whole chest and arms hang from a cage formed where his collarbones would be. His face is really a detachable faceplate. He tried taking it off once. Other than eyes and a mouth, there’s no form at all. Scared him so much he reverted to beast mode.
Personality: Blackwing’s a good kid who just wants to protect his friends. Problem is he doesn’t quite know who his friends are. He’s really built more for scientific work than fighting, but he’s tenacious and does what he can. Honor and self-sacrifice are at once his biggest virtues and faults. His naivete tends to get him used at lot as well. He believes that all situations can be solved with truth and understanding, and always tries not to lie. Similarly, he tries as many non-violent solutions as he can before resorting to violence. Sometimes his reports can be exasperatingly long because of all the details he feels are necessary to understand the situation. He is slow to anger, but when it actually happens he becomes irritated, bitter, and catty rather than violent.
Likes: Stray animals, helping things, truth
Dislikes: Poor communication, lying, being unable to protect something/one
Squicks(DO NOT WANT): Sex, excessive innuendo (he probably wouldn't get it unless it was explained to him anyway)
Other: His mode of speech is a little outdated. Sometimes he gets teased by other mechs for being overly polite.
     Due to his soft spot for stray animals, he takes in any and all he sees. But so far he’s had a hard time keeping them hidden in his quarters because of Dinobot’s sensitive nose.
References: Fuzor form: concept sketch, color reference, backside reference
     Technorganic form: pixel art/headshot, ref sheet
Art Received: Some Feathers by Lizkay, In the Pumpkin Patch by shehcelciudat, Hide and Seek by sister_dear
All stories and logs can be seen in the general Continuity Post.

Faction: Maximals
Occupation: He sees himself as a protector first, and ends up getting himself into tough situations on the battlefield. He’s also studying to become a field medic.
Alternate Mode: raven/lynx fuzor
Tools/Weapons: Two photon maces holstered between his wings. They can emit various strengths of energy blasts from torch-light to blinding flash to lasers and pulse blasts. Crossing both maces together emits an extremely powerful blast that drains a good deal of energon.
     His technorganic mode has one mace, and wires that lead from the ports near his wrists. They can be used to recharge a Transformer in an emergency, but they feed from Blackwing’s own batteries.
Preferred Generation: Beast Wars/Machines, but he also looks good in TF:A style
History: Blackwing emerged from his downed stasis pod with a fuzor alt-mode and damaged memory circuits. As a result he had no clue who or what he was. Megatron and the Predacons arrived to find he had installed himself guardian of a motherless nest of raven chicks. Megatron silently changed his activation code and tried to win him over to the Predacon side. The situation worsened as Silverbolt, on patrol and thus closest to the downed pod, arrived and a shoot-out began. Megatron let himself be targeted, standing in front of the tree and stepping gingerly out of the way at the last moment. And so the first clue to his identity, the nest of tiny black-wings, was crushed. Enraged, Blackwing transformed and blasted Silverbolt with both his maces. The Predacons had another fuzor in their ranks.
     But as time went on the Predacons began to wear on Blackwing. They were aggressive, deceitful, and impetuous. Tarantulus took advantage of his identity crisis to try and win him over, but the Maximals were also on the move. Blackwing had not participated in the firefight, and Silverbolt knew he had only been attacked for destroying the nest. He convinced the other Maximals they must try and sway him. When they launched an attack on Tarantulus’ lair, the spider convinced Blackwing to hold them off while he slunk away with his precious research materials. The Maximals overpowered Blackwing and took him back to the Axalon for repairs.
     Blackwing was initially weary of the Maximals, but became fast friends with Silverbolt due to his sense of honor. Now he wants to make up for his previous bias and considers himself a protector of both the planet and his new family. But sometimes he still has memory glitches, causing him to forget things or revert back to his Predacon days.
Alt Mode References: I’ve only got one concept sketch. ^_^; It gives you a rough idea anyway., crystal_phoenix's is a lot better. His Beast Machines form is a technorganic raven, which I’m sorry to say I haven’t drawn anything for.

I’ll try to get more references up soon. ^_^;


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