Random doujinshi short

May 03, 2011 20:06

Hey, I come bearing another doujinshi one-shot with a translation. ^^ This one is from the same anthology as last time, "Goku-san, deban desu"  (Goku, it's your turn) by the circle Warau Datenshi.

Remember the comment Bulma made about the Saiyan's hair not growing during the one year of training in the room of spirit and time? Well, this doujinshi plays with that idea a little bit more.

Trunks: There is a mysterious room here where one year only takes one day on the outside. In that room, father and I trained-
Bulma: But even with that, Vegeta's hair didn't grow at all!

Vegeta: A pure saiyan's hair doesn't undergo any strange changes from the day they are born.

Bulma: hmmm...

Trunks: Is it really the time to talk about such things that don't matter right now?

*Bulma snips off Vegeta's hair and kicks him into the room, one day passes*

Bulma: There! your hair actually properly changed now, didn't it?

Vegeta: Seriously, what did you come here for anyways!!

Goku: Hey Vegeta, Trunks already beat Cell so we can all go home now.

Piccolo: Is this really okay?

Gohan: Bye bye, Piccolo-san.

... And they lived happily ever after.


Unless anyone wants to go into the biology of Saiyan hair, I don't really have any intellectual disscussion points to bring up here. Just thought that this was funny, that's all. XD

So instead, I'll give you two bonus pictues from the same book. ^^

various characters, doujinshi

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