Sep 10, 2005 20:50
Today I woke up bright (even though it was dark still) and early at 5 a.m. and headed up to Norton High School to take my MTEL tests. The morning was the Communication and Literacy section which I think I dominated like Seagal in Under Siege. I took about 3 of the four hours and left pretty confident. The afternoon was the Visual Arts test. That sucked more than watching 200 Cigarettes while eating a bowl of puke. I know, I know, vulgar toilet humor you say? Well since my brain's fried from that crap it's all I can manage; my apologies. Anyway, I was outta there in a record-setting 2 hours of shear bullshitting. I don't know how anyone can pass that stupid thing, but apparently some can.
It's now Saturday night and I'm sitting by my lonesome. Why? All my friends around here are back at school, gas prices are high so I can't go making another drive out to nowhere to see people, and my brain is swimming in my head due to the deadly combo of "post-testing brain/fryalator syndrome" and a nasty head cold. On the bright side, I had a nasty sore throat for the last two days that's now gone and transformed into prior mentioned annoying cold. At least I'm not sick.