I said I was going to have a post about Anime Central Convention, with pictures, and everything. I suppose my excuse would have to be quite strong in order to avoid my well-deserved beating. You see everyone, I do have a reason.
I was abducted by aliens.
Not like little green men, no, I was abducted by twenty-seven illegal immigrants whom believed I was the "Chosen One". I really didn't understand it myself, but after a few talks and whatnot, they realized that I couldn't be the person they were looking for, so I got dropped off in a ditch and I began my walk.
I walked miles-upon-miles to return to this spot, to make sure I could write this post. It's because I care about you so much....
Okay, enough with my random BS. ACEN was good. There were raves, friends, people with the same fixation with Final Fantasy as I have, a person with a Heavy Arms Custom outfit, Rosa & Rydia from Final Fantasy 4, Tera from Final Fantasy 6 (but no Butz from FF5, hmm...?), Big sharpened swords, lots of role-playing, and anime-goodness. It was awesome.
I could only thank those who came with me for it, if it weren't for Joe, Jo, Ren, Ashley, Leah, Jester, Katie, and Robyn I wouldn't have has such a fun time. We spend the times all separated in odd ways, but it seemed to work out good.
I could go into the events further, but I'll just drop a picture of yours truly and call it good.
I attempted to be my Gaian, but later realized that becoming a "Man Chi" (Like Chi from Chobits) would be interesting, so I did that. I was amused and at one point I had people asking me for pictures. I think that was creepier than anything....oh well.
Anyways, I'm off to save the world,
KaiN out.