Just ducky

Aug 22, 2004 21:39

Well, I finally finished my rhetoric homework. And my AP Physics homework. I am finally finished with homework for this summer. That, my friends, is what we call a good thing. This weekend was pretty good. I got to spend the majority of yesterday with Nicole at V.A. just hangin out. The only bad thing was that I was feeling pretty bad this morning, as in sick. I had to go to church, though, and play my saxophone. That was not good. I got through it, though, and I am feeling marginally better.

Next week is going to suck, yet rule at the same time.

Reasons to suck:
1.) look at my schedule
2.) I have a locker down band hallway, which means I have to carry most of my books to my classes
3.) I have to take the bus to school
4.) I have to get this whole deal with Kaylie dealt with (small explanation below)

Reasons to rule:
1.) I get to see people I haven't seen in a while
2.) Jensen announces the musical
3.) Set crew will supposedly start
4.) I like most of my classes, it is just a huge load

Alright, here is an explanation of what is bugging me the most about next week. No, Kaylie and I are not technically dating as of now. We both made promises to each other that we would get back together at the beginning of next school year. Neither of us are apt at breaking promises, so we will uphold it. But Kaylie wants to know what will happen next year. The problem is, that nothing will happen next year. We will be dating again, but not for very long. Then, we will go our separate ways, and date other people. Her, probably the person she is dating now, and me, Nicole.

I am just really angry at the way that our relationship ended, as it almost seems like a year of my social life was put down the drain, and that makes me very sad. Especially since Kay and I wanted to stay friends, but that is seeming doubtful as of now. This really sucks.

But then again, I guess I am almost looking forward to the final split, as it gives a sense of finality to our relationship. I am also looking forward to dating Nicole, as she is an amazing person.

I guess that is all I have to say for now, and I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thank you to all that took the time to read this. And feel free to comment, positively or negatively.

Seize the day,
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