day 23 - favorite animation

May 23, 2011 18:34

My Neighbor Totoro

My husband and I happened to rent Princess Mononoke when it came out and after that decided that we needed to see (and own) all of Miyazaki's films. We're still missing a few, but I think we've at least seen most of them now. Brian still likes Mononoke best, but Totoro became my immediate favorite when we saw it. I wish I could describe how much I love this film. It fills me with such joy. I look forward to watching it with Adam when he is older.

As it turns out, this film is also listed on Ebert's "Great Movies" list. Here is his wonderful review. It begins,

"Here is a children's film made for the world we should live in, rather than the one we occupy. A film with no villains. No fight scenes. No evil adults. No fighting between the two kids. No scary monsters. No darkness before the dawn. A world that is benign. A world where if you meet a strange towering creature in the forest, you curl up on its tummy and have a nap."

Perfection. ♥

movies, memes, movie memes

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