Nov 12, 2010 10:58
I was chatting about relationships with a very good friend who is dating again after coming out of a long relationship about what we find attractive and reasons for wanting/not wanting to have sex with someone.
We commented that it was very interesting to sleep with two or more people in quick succession. Not because you can 'compare' necessarily, rather because you learn things about yourself, your likes and dislikes, the ways of relating you enjoy and those you don't so much.
It struck me that we had both had this experience (me - poly, them - dating again) and we had both "doubled" the number of partners we'd been with in the space of a month or two, when previously it had taken us ten years or more to reach that number due to serial monogamy.
When I thought about this, and the possibilities of self-knowledge through experience of relating to other people, it struck me as quite sad.
After exiting the religion I was raised in I developed the idea that it was somehow virtuous to only have a few partners, or to at least spend as long as possible (years and years!) on my relationships because that was somehow 'good' or 'moral'. What a load of bullshit. As long as there's not too much using, no diseases and no children entangled in your immature decisions then go for it! The world and his wife is out there waiting.