stop chewing on the sore in my mouth

May 18, 2009 22:39

Yeah, I don't post anymore. Yeah, the general rule is the less I post, the more depressed I am. But don't worry about that. I'm still here and Seth is still taking great care of me.. and the giraffe and I are in therapy.

Jackass at the petting zoo farm place never did call me in to work, even after I THOUGHT we had an agreement that I'd quit my job if he gave me at least like 20 hours a week. He told me the first day I met him that he's a Jackass, so I guess I'll just stick with that.

My days are filled with Full House and Sabrina the Teenage Witch... and applying for the scant jobs available out there ... and mostly playing on Facebook. I talk more there than I do here, but I've even dropped my nightly pet update lately ...

Still doing classes to be a teacher. "How to Get a Job" seminar is on the 30th. Yay.

House is infested with mice and I'm being all grumpy and hard on myself for allowing that to happen... like, seriously. It's as if I walk around the kitchen blind. We've only SEEN one mouse.. but there are traces in the kitchen, the den (Creasy's stuff!), and our bedroom. Great. I haven't even checked the other rooms. .. but the other rooms don't have food in them. So yeah, we're packaging all the pet foods up in plastic boxes and etc. I found a good DIY no-kill trap online and ... all I've caught are roaches. Gar. These things can't be in my house -- they can pose a health risk to my kids. I think, technically, only to Spike, since he is also a mouse, but I dunno... it's still not worth it. I told Creasy if he finds that little bugger in his stuff to bit him real hard. Both Creasy and I were hunting around in all his paper and boxes for that dang ole mouse because we heard him in there. Gar. I have never actually had trouble catching wild mice, so I guess that's why I'm so agitated. In NM, my uncle made me a figure four trap and I caught a bunch of mice in one night... at home in Garland, I could always catch the things by hand if I can trap them up on the counter and block their escape route. Having Tiger help usually... helped, too. (Though she'd catch the mouse, paw at it, let it go, and then get really mad at me when I grab it and run off with it (and throw it into the neighbor's yard).) But now we have this massive house, not just a cabin and not just a counter top ... and they have enough rat food to last them I don't know how long, so they're not attracted to the traps at ALL. Gar. Frustrating.

Okay, yeah. I could go on and on, but it's time for bed. I'm just poking my head in to say hi.
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