
Mar 14, 2009 14:57

Yay. I got a brand new keyboard and mouse... Of course, now Marley owes me $40. hehe. He spilled Ensure on my keyboard the other day. I made sure to get both wireless keyboard and mouse this time (last time my mouse wasn't wireless) so I can attempt to keep them both out of rat reach.

Anyway. Not most exciting thing that happened today. Guess what.

I went and got me a job at a farm!

A petting zoo, really. Heh. They need help with the animals AND office work, turns out. I didn't know they needed office work! Whee. We're going to try it on a part time basis for now ... and if it works out, I'll quit my other job. My husband is so wonderful to let me do that. I'm just so miserable at my current job. I'm sick of always being miserable. But how miserable can you be feeding baby cows, baby goats, and baby pigs, among a million other animals out of bottles? And the place is like 15 minutes from here. Yay!

Anyway, I do believe it's nap time.
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