Apr 29, 2005 21:10

We had a bomb threat today in school. Yeah it was fun waiting outside for like an hour. After school Austin came over. Just watched t.v. and chilled. Then Shan and Whit came over. Austin left a little bit after that. Me and Shan ate a little something before we left. We waited for Chris and Andrew to come get me. Shan and Whit followed behind us to the lacrosse game at 5. Chris drives like mad fast and passes all these cars. I have never passed so many cars in my life. lol *Chris thought he knew was going, but he didnt. We went about 20 miles in the wrong direction* It was fun though. Then got to the game and they scored a goal. Sat with Shannon Pass. Then Austin, Joe W., Molly and Jeff. Game was over and they lost 11-3. At least the score some goals. On the way home Andrew didnt ride with me and Chris, so it was just us to. On our way home we picked Jerla up. Then we went back to my house. Then decided to go to Reids for dinner. Jerla paid for me and Chris and Jerla gave me gas money also. To my house again. Whit and Shan went home real fast. Talked to Sam in her room. Then Shan and Whit got here and I had to take my brother somewhere so Chris and Jerla came with me. Then we all just chilled for a while. Then left and went to get Whits sleepover stuff at my house. Met Jerla and Chris at Garrett's. There was quite a few people there. We had a fire but it was kinda hard to start at first and it was really muddy outside. So it was Me, Shan, Whit, Chris, Jerla, Rubes, Garrett, Jessie N., Mal, Bud, Haley S., Joel and Jason, Junke, Chris H., Stover, Dan, and Jenna. We all just drank. *Thanks Chris* Took like 2 walks with Chris, wHITZ, and Mike. We went in the fucking grave yard. It was scary. Then it like started to drizzle. Then we left at like 2. Whit drove home, Im glad we made it cause she wasnt all with it. lol Got home and cleaned my fucking white shoes that are like brand new. They were soo gross and muddy and so were my jeans. So I like took them off and just chilled in my underwear. lol Then we went to bed, well ate a few doritos cause we were mad hungry. Then we were like "dude lets just go to Denny's". So we did. So we call up Chris and he was like "no im in bed and already dreaming." lol But he came anyways. So we picked him up at like 3. Shit Denny's was fucking packed. We all wore our PJ's there. Got some Moz. Sticks and Shan got breakfast. It was mad good. Whit passed out right on the table when we got there and I just laughed the whole hour and a half we were there. I swear I didnt stop laughing the whole time except for 5 mins when I was eating. It was just a really good time. lol We didnt even give our waitress a tip. lol Then left at like 4 something, took Chris home. Went to bed at like 5. Greatest Night Ever! <3 Lauren

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