Title: The Ebb And Tide Of Magic
Type: Fic
too-dle-ooRating: R
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): Posting Mod note: the author has elected not to provide any warnings; I have elected to raise the rating of this story from PG to R due to instances of explicit and implied violence of various kinds.
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Comments 5
P.S. I agree with Posting Mod's up-rating of your fic; it's in line with the ratings guidelines that we follow.
I will certainly not argue with a rating decision, for one.
My main difficulty with much of the FF going around is that characters, with whom we fell in love because of their complexity and faults, do get marysued in ff... so I've tried to stay clear.
Is unexpected a good thing?
Unexpected is a great thing. I'm a devoted fan of both the fresh perspective and realistic reading of character in fic. That said, when reading and writing in general (and not with regard to your fic), I can certainly see see how time might change our favorite characters through the sort of growth most people experience, and I enjoy thinking about how the characters might behave in odd, even absurd, situations.
That's prolly why girl!Harry Snarry intrigued me as much as it once did. ;P
Great characterisation and I enjoyed the way all the characters have very real flaws.
There are some stories -some of them true- of people loosing a skill or a gift after a sentimental wreck. I just went with the unhappy flow...
Thanks for reviewing!
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