Title: Time to Rise
Type: Fic
iulia_linneaBeta(s): Shog and
delphipsmithRating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): The use of "fuck" far more than a PG-13 rating would allow.
(Highlight to View) Prompt: Prompt yourself for fic!
Note: Movie summaries courtesy of
Seventh Sanctum's
Action Film Generator. Thank you, Shog and
delphipsmith, for beta'ing.
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Your banter between SS and HG was spot-on. A comfortable established relationship and you gave us snippets of the kids too! What a blessing. I cackled every time one of them would reveal that nothing is getting past them - the vampire, Hugo sneaking back in, Hugo’s friend.
These bits were my favorites:
“How'd they-seriously, go sit down-and put a warming charm on the corn." Severus sighed. "But I like walking behind you." "You like staring at my ar-", Hugo did that." "Fuck!" "Problem?" Hermione called. "Stubbed toe!", They might be fucking?" Rose suggested. Severus blinked. "You've been spending far too much time with me. Go back to your fa-" "Sperm do-" "-ather's and tell him that Taylor's been using Firebright.", and “ How's Marmaduke, then? Still an inveterate flirt?" "You know about-" "The vampire in our subcellar? Of course I do! When were you planning to tell me that he came with the house?" demanded Hermione. "Children live in this house!"
The scene breaks! Omg! What a darling Easter Egg that I want to figure out how to use sometime in the future... what secrets can you tell with a scene break? Apparently quite a bit.
This was such a rich story in just a few thousand words. Immensely and utterly satisfying.
Thank you so very much, MA! This was an absolute gem. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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