Update on voting!

Nov 09, 2009 09:29

Things are going really well with voting, so keep those votes coming! I just wanted to make a couple of reminders.

1. You only get to vote ONCE. You can't come back later and add to your ballot. So if you were thinking you'd vote a little at a time, I'm sorry, but you can't do that. Send in your votes all at once, in one post or email.

2. If you do not have an LJ account, you can still participate. However, you must email your ballot to moste.potente.passions at gmail dot com. Anonymous LJ posts are not accepted.

3. Voting does not end until December 5 at midnight, so it is still VERY early in the voting phase of this round. Let your vote count to the fullest by participating fully! I understand that some categories may not be everyone's cup of tea, and it's fine not to vote in every single category. But it's far too early to see a ballot with a vote for just one category, and by doing so, you could be missing out on stories you might really enjoy!

So read, review, and vote. You've got plenty of time!



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