
Aug 17, 2009 16:05

For the last few weeks I've felt a bit blah about writing. I was still doing it (mostly because of the 5_for_five challenge) but I was in the midst of one of those "I suck at this" kind of moments.

Then two things happened.

One, on Saturday, lightening struck (or at least it felt like it), and an idea for an original novel hit me, almost fully formed. It's... well, it has the potential to be good. Really good. I think. Maybe. But anyway, I'm going to give it a go. I'm going to take my time and not rush it. Right now, I'm jotting down notes and fleshing out characters. Seriously, I think this one might be the one. I'm still slightly stunned about it. I wasn't even thinking about o-fic right now, but this really might be something I can work with and be excited about!

Two, a reviewer sent me some of the loveliest comments I've ever received, encouraging me to write o-fic. The timing was just spot on, don't you think?

Anyway, I am working on BtSaS today, as I'd like to post the next chapter before leaving for Chicago (*squees*). And tomorrow or the next day, I hope to post the final installment of Beautiful Bird.

The Muse is suddenly filled with ideas again. I'm not sure how it will all play out, but I'm going to just follow along. LOL And the best part is, I'm feeling happy about writing again. I hate having "the writing blues", and I'm glad to be rid of them. :)


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