Sep 25, 2010 07:14
The week has passed too quickly. Lu says I don't post photos and stories nearly as much as I did in France. I told her I am too busy watching dragonflies in the sun (one huge one hovered and sat on my shoulder this morning!) I am paralyzed by the beauty. Allowing myself to be languorously lazy.
Still, I had a funny discovery the other day - I have some kind of inner navigation! Lu and Leo dropped me off in Chiavari to shop and roam, and then afterwards I was to meet them in Sestri Levanti - a neighboring town. We agreed to meet at the gelateria we went to on my first day here. So, I had my fun roaming (stopping for machiato every block or so) and then caught the train to Sestri.
At the station I met a little man who was going the same way. He watched over me, which was good -- the Sestri station didn't seem to even have a sign. The ride was only 20 minutes or so -- I surely would have missed it. When I left the station, nothing looked familiar, but I walked straight down the avenue as Leo said I should.
Nothing looked familiar. Was I really in Sestri Levanti?? I fussed with a pay phone for a minute, then remembered I didn't have their cell numbers and they were on the road by then! Then I found a map of the city by the park -- but it only confused me further. It made the small town seem like a sprawling city. It occurred to me that this could turn out strangely; there is no way for me to get up the mountain without them.
So, I started walking. I wandered toward the direction that 'felt' right, looking up to see an old bell tower (Was there a bell tower at that market on the first day, I wondered.) Then I saw, I had guessed right! I had just wandered into the same plaza -- albeit it looked a bit different without all the Sunday market stalls. I checked my photos of that day on my camera to be sure, and felt relieved. And I felt a bit surprised. How did I do that?
I don't know how it works, but I have to trust. Now I am watching my 'anxiety levels' - I don't have to let them interfere with whatever else is 'guiding' my journey! I really believe that I can let this travel adventure unfold in its own time and fashion. I just need to stand calmly and wait for the right feelings.