Sep 30, 2008 21:37
So it's been quite a long time since I've posted anything at all and you have my apologies for the lack of information. It's funny, I've been spending a lot more of my time thinking about things like life and what I need to do to improve mine. There are a few glaring things that have bothered me for a while, and I've decided to actually do something about it. I know I say that a lot, but I'm gonna follow through...
First thing is the fact that I'm terribly out of shape. So, to remedy the situation, I've made a few changes in myself. I've severely cut back on the crap foods and have started eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, as well as food that's overall healthier. The other side to this is that I've been doing a lot more exercise than I used to. Now, it occurs in a less than normal medium, but it turns out that Dance Dance Revolution is fucking badass when it comes to getting your workout on. With these two changes, I've been feeling better than I have in a long fucking time...
The next thing is that I realized that both my personality and behavior are quite mutable compared to your average person. By that I mean that I change a pretty significant amount depending on who I'm around. There really aren't a lot of people that I show my true "self" (in as much as that exists). I'm not saying that you don't know me, but I am saying that there are aspects of myself that stay hidden. I realize that that is normal for everyone, but I'm talking about core personality traits and stuff. For instance, when I'm around my family, my strange and weird filter just goes the fuck away. What I'm thinking is that I need to develop a good sense of self. That includes determining boundaries for myself.
Going along with what I just mentioned, those of you who have known me for a while know that I tend to mirror people's emotions. Especially those of the people I'm in direct contact with, but also of people that I'm incredibly close to (i.e. my pack). I have a feeling that if I can better define the boundaries of myself, I can better monitor the emotional input from external sources. I know it sounds a little out there, but I have no other explanation for some of the stuff I feel...
The last issue I'm going to address tonight is that I have a pretty strong tendency to start something and not follow through. My instinct tells me that this is a discipline issue (dur...). I have resolved that there are two things that I really want to do at this time (in addition to the aforementioned items). The first is to continue learning to play bass guitar and to become a good musician. The second is to actually learn japanese instead of the few words that I know now.
I guess that lately I've learned that my previous thoughts of setting goals low so that they're easily achieved isn't the right direction to go in. While it leads to a small amount of satisfaction from completing something, it seems an empty victory. I intend to follow through with all of the above activities/things so as to both complete things I set before myself as well as to better myself overall.
Thanks for reading,