Oct 18, 2004 12:49
I'm in the work chat room right now.
I am answering things speaking like Gollum.
I just realized that what I typed looks kinda like I called Shakesha 'precious' ...
Here's the chat dialog:
Shakesha: AE called in and states that the customer is on 2224 hardware system
Rick: It happens.
Shakesha: stated that when the customer do a shipment rate quote it says YOUR RATE 9.86 and MPS RATE of 6.43. then the customer try to ship the package .. and they
Shakesha: get 9.86 on the label
Rick: Is there a PIC?
Shakesha: customer called in on this same issue on 09-23-
Shakesha: they told him that with 2186 it iwll do that and they will need to upgrade to 2224
Shakesha: now they are on 2224
Shakesha: and the same thing
Shakesha: I tried to check for pic
Shakesha: could not find anything
Rick: Me thinks 2245 ...
Rick: Yes precious.
Shakesha: so stage him
Rick: Stage them, yes precious.
Shakesha: thanks
Here's the discussion I had with my buddy Bob:
Rick: That was a $.06 raise caliber answer htere, chum.
Bob: rofl
Bob: very nice
Rick: *bows*
Bob: can i get critical on a tech ticket?
Rick: Ok
Bob: ty
Rick: LOL
Rick: Hope she doesn't file a harassment suit. I'd hate to explain my Gollum fetish ...
Bob: lol wtf
Rick: I laughed so hard just now I choked on my spagetti.
Oh, fun times. Happy days.