Jan 09, 2005 11:23
so this weekend..
friday after school me n jessica jus hung out at my house and watched a movie with zach..we watched cat in the hat..haha and then we slept. On saturday me n jess went shopping downtown at urban outfitters and what not and then got chinese food. :) mmmmmmmmm... after that we hung out at home watched some football and waited for jaimie to come over so we could go to SOMA..to see taylorssss band..watching charlie. they did good. after we had no ride to clairemont so we walked home in the rAin and then magically found a ride. so we went to the after party..then to a hotel party..and me n jaimie didnt wana stay so we walked home in the rain and jessica got a ride because people are ASSHOLES. and thats lame..now its SUNDAYYYY and i have to get stuff for a project! gayyy and i didnt even see ian all weekend:( whatevrrrrrrrr....
how was everyone elses weekends?