this is my standpoint and it's not up for discussion under any circumstances whatsoever. we'll see if i'm right on july 21st.
"Crystal is honest with herself. She has ackowledged the severity of her drug addiction, is seeking help, & anticipates a healthy lifestyle with a hopeful future."
I have my first meeting with Women for Sobreity tonight and I'm very excited about it. . I have a drug counselor, two therapists, and a psychiatrist helping me along, as well as my mother's friend, an adult whom I actually trust (which many of you know has always been a difficult thing for me). I can open up to her because I already have in the past. I'm comfortable telling her anything, which is new for me, and I like her a lot. Last night my mother told me that she (the friend) was once a heroin addict and did a lot of the same crap I fucked with. I'm going to talk to her. I hope she can be my sponser somehow.
I'm looking forward to life and I'm extremely confident that everything is going to be okay. I feel different already. I can't even being to describe this kind of feeling. I'm so lucky to have so much support and a second chance at life. I'm taking that chance.