Dec 06, 2008 00:22
i'm so relieved that i finished both books, am halfway through hsac notes review and got 75% of my christmas shopping done. yes!! now to the bank to get those checks in and mail out the other one. okay. breathe. i'm having a hard time sleeping because i tried to pass out before clearing m y conscious. i already prayed but that's not enough.
gratitude list:
sydney taylor tigert toosox tweety snickers peanut jesse
having a roof over my head, my car, 40% discount, affording the gifts, lays potato chips, doing only so much in a day, wokring with izetta kim and meaghan, meghan and cynthia legit wanting to sober hang out, admitting my myself that i might not be able to handle that, izetta miraculously offering to potentially keep me on board for four huors a week wtf, talking top josie, josie, physical therapy, doing the work, lord of the rings, amy calling me back, amy being in the rooms, my mom and ian being honest with me, my mom and ian trusting me weith that information, mac n cheese, the tripodis, having so much to do, having a life, living, being alive, work pins, gas being so cheap!!, taking 13 bucks to half fill my tank omg, reaching out to the newcomers, food, my mom getting me gloves, fellowship, service, being in the middle of the triangle, balance, untiy, josie asking me what i did for my recovery today and me being able to honestly answer her, sleep when i tcomes, god, the sreenitty prayer, karen b for sharing lengthily today, my home group, margueritte bringing in donuts, turing in my papers ON TIME, high class problems, alli, food again, the grilled cheese i might make myself