Feb 06, 2008 10:49
"Why not? Why not date you? It's brilliant, we've known each other for years, we put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We're a couple."
*grins* they so wrote this on purpose;)
I can't believe this is already 3rd episode in 4th season I love. Though this one is without a doubt my favourite. 97 seconds was angsty as well but there was a sense of despair there, that this episode didn't have.
The ending here ended absolutely lovely. Not just the patient storyline, also House did the one thing I never expected him to do-he acted almost....selfless. Never thought I could write House and selflessness in the same sentence without sarcasm.
While I don't think he really changed, it was a nice moment and I believe without the 'blessing', House would slowly lose their friendship. The final song is titled "Waiting on a friend"(I'm not waiting on a lady, I'm just waiting on a friend). Darn, with moments like this, how can I stop watching this show? Even with Star Trek, I don't want to skip episodes because I wanted to see every moment between Kirk and Spock. This sounds more obsessive than it is.;)
I would say the speech Amber gave was the moment House realised she might not be just using Wilson. Of course she could be bluffing then but I don't think she was. While I think CTB would do everything to get something, I can't imagine she would stoop so low to resort to such means after she already failed. But we'll see, writers have sometimes an uncanny ability to completely destroy anything that might be positive and beautiful. Drap a dark grey shroud over white, radiating light and exclaim the world is cold and bleak, if you prefer poetry.;)
Anyhow, I believe House and Wilson friendship took a turn now. I think they're slowly progressing to a somewhat healthier relationship...Also Wilson got the confirmation that House does give a damn about him and I believe he needed to know that. Part of the nagging and psycho-analyzing came from bitterness after Tritter,esp. Whac-A-Mole.
Now, their friendship could become deeper. I hope it will, because it would be really sad if House started replacing Wilson. Don't think he ever could truly replace him, we've seen that he likes certain qualities Wilson has, otherwise I doubt he would connect with Cate so much(since Cate and Wilson were similar in some aspects) and vice versa(Amber of course:P ) and they've been through too much to just call it quits.
Cuddy....well she's more and more in the show just to go along with House's whims. She was funny though and I'm glad she said to House that Wilson would never replace him. The almost threat to Wilson was a bit weird though, why can she be nice to House but not to Wilson?:P She can't say she's telling the truth if she doesn't even know what Amber is like apart from what she's seen. The least she could do was to express her thoughts in a nicer way. But ok, she did what she thought she had to in a way she thought is the right way. House is much better at harsh truths though...:P
I can officially say, I'm glad the show went on hiatus with this episode.:D Their friendship and the patient storyline are the only things I'm interested in House md. Alright, Foreman and Kutner's characters too, but I don't really care what happens with the characters as long as there is a great HW interaction and an interesting medical case. So, yay for Don't ever change.
btw,does anyone have the song Human by Civil Twilight?:)