* Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
* I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
* Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (I'll also answer more, if asked.)
1. If you could get anyone in the world to play Ethan in a live-action
movie, who would you pick?
Man, this was a toughie. Now, after extensive research, the best match is probably
Jesse Metcalfe. But if it were based on acting only, hands down, Roberto Benigni. X3
Related to this question, I decided that
this guy would make a fantastic young Paolo. He's on Grey's Anatomy now, and I couldn't stop noticing the frightening resemblance. It's the eyes, I tell ya.
2. Classic movie night at my house, what movies do you bring?!?!!?!
Some Like it Hot, Gone With the Wind, The Blob (for the lulz), City Lights, Modern Times, and if it counts - Bonnie and Clyde
3. You are, using complicated methods I will not get into here,
transported back to the age of the dinosaurs. Thoughts, concerns, and
plan of action?
Thoughts: OH SHIT!
Concerns: I'ma gonna get eatened!
Plan of Action: Cry and attempt to hide. Or commandeer a brontasaurus as my pet and bodygaurd.
4. How long can you stand on your head?
Not. At. All.
5. You just got a kitty. What do you name it?
I want a Schnow-Schnow Kitty. X3 Errr, I mean I would get a white cat and name it Snow.