Title: Restless (part 1 of 2)
Author: Moosesal
LJ Name:
moosesalFandom: Due South
Pairing: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Playing card activity: double stroke
Playing card URL:
http://invisible-cities.net/images/gsc/slash/18.jpgOther cards: I also had ‘sofa suck’ (
http://invisible-cities.net/images/gsc/slash/49.jpg) which I’ve sort of worked in and ‘reachover rim’ (
http://invisible-cities.net/images/gsc/slash/33.jpg) which may figure in to the second part of this.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I hate summaries, they give too much away. So here it is: Fraser and Ray go on a stakeout. Fraser and Ray talk. Eventually there is sex. Set sometime between "Bounty Hunter" and "Call of the Wild". You can place it in there wherever your heart desires.