It'sa me! Mario~!

Mar 03, 2009 23:16

:: About Yourself
Name/Nickname: Kat.
Age: 21.

Describe your personality: I’m very determined when I set my mind on something, and I’m extremely loyal. I once went to a Track meet after a morning of being very sick, just because my coach told me I’d be one of the important runners in the meet. I absolutely hate letting people down.
I’m usually a very happy person, and I enjoy making others around me happy. I work hard when it comes to things that matter to me. Also, people have told me that I’m not a forceful person, but I don’t like being pushed around.
My mom told me I was like a steel magnolia. To those not familiar with the phrase, magnolias are very fragile flowers; just touching one will bruise it. So, I seem like I’d be very fragile, but I actually have a steel core. Everything must be a certain way, and it will be that certain way. xD
I’m very laid-back, which is why some people think I’m a push over. However, I see at as picking my battles. If I think something isn’t fair, but it’s something as trivial as who gets to sit in the front seat, I’m not going to argue over it. However, if it’s something more important, I’ll do my best to show my point of view. I can be quite hard headed when I want to be.
I have a very balanced personality. On personality tests (on which I usually get ISFP/INFP), it’s around 50-50 between Sensing and Intuition, Judging and Perceiving, and it’s also pretty close between Thinking and Feeling. I also think equally between the right and left sides of the brain (I’m as logical as I am artistic).

I’m too quiet and shy, to the point of not wanting to stand out. I tend to keep my feelings and emotions to myself because of that, and because I don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings. I usually end up becoming overly quiet when something’s really bothering me. I might also become a little catty if I’m upset at someone, since I don’t like to come out and say what’s wrong.
Also, I usually need to do something for someone else in order to make me try hard. Example: If I know someone is counting on me to do something, I’ll do the best job I can. However, if it’s just for me, I tend to slack off more.
Sometimes I can be too stubborn, which can lead me to making myself sick or hurting myself. When something’s wrong, I bottle my negative emotions, so I end up being very moody. So they show anyway. n_n! This is one reason I feel I’m immature. Another reason is because I tend to act like a little kid in what I say, my likes, and what I do.
I am addicted to competition, it’s what helps me want to win more, or go to greater heights. I like friendly competition, since afterwards all the players tend to feel like they’ve done their best and like the outcome. However, if I feel that somehow someone’s played unfairly, I do feel angry toward them, since I feel I’ve been cheated out of my victory. I don’t stay mad for very long, though, since I’m usually able to think of the situation logically and let it go.
I’m too trusting and I really am a bit of a push over. I tend to do just about anything my friends ask me to do (or even if they don’t ask me to do it), like I’ll get them a soda if they say they want one. xD Or walk all the way back to the hotel room to grab ramune from an anime convention if they simply say they’re thirsty. I just want everyone to be happy~ and I don’t like confrontations. Oh, and I’m a ditz. :D!
I can also be a little bossy, since I do like things in a certain way. If it’s not a certain way, I will try to “fix it.” And the worst part is, I don’t even notice doing it until after I’ve done it. *headdesk*
The thing you like the most about yourself: My determination. If I absolutely believe I can do something, despite the odds I will do my best to prove myself. Also, I do not like being told ‘no.’ In fact, that just makes me want to try harder.
The thing you hate the most about yourself: My shyness that will sometimes border on antisocial. Sometimes I feel like I’m pushing people away, and there’s that tiny voice in the back of my head going “no~ D8” It’s not that I want to be alone all the time (though I do need my space at times), it’s just sometimes people bug me or they can be very daunting.
Fears: Being alone.
Pet Peeves: Bees, angry people, people who make others feel bad, my own failure, screaming/bratty children (this doesn’t mean I don’t like kids. In general, they’re very cute), parents who don’t tell their kids to be quiet/allow their child to be a brat, slow people, people who don’t try in a class and then complain about how hard it is, people who never admit that they are wrong, bugs in general, bad vibes, and traitors. And when people cling to me, or just get in my personal space all the time.
Hobbies/Talents Drawing, painting, watching tv, being on the internet, Sudoku.

:: About Your Choices
Mature or Immature?: While I act childish and naïve, I do consider myself to be mature. I am responsible, I own up to my mistakes and learn from them, I can keep a cool head when everything seems to be going wrong (though I have to be in a group for this one. If I’m by myself I don’t feel that need to be calm so nobody starts freaking out), and I’m courteous around others, even people I don’t necessarily like (though who knows what I’m thinking about them ;] ).
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I don’t like the responsibility that comes with being the leader, nor do I like the idea of trying to lead people who refuse to listen to what I am trying to tell them. I’m much more comfortable being one of the followers, where I can help the rest of the group and the leader too.
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy, though I’m trying to be more outgoing. Some days it’s easier than others, though. xD!!
Confident or Modest?: Both. I’m confident in my abilities, but I don’t go around boasting about how awesome I am.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Optimistic. Life’s too short to worry about what might go wrong.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium. I don’t like to sit or stand still, but I’m not bouncing off the walls either.
Listener or Speaker?: Very much a listener.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious, to the point of over thinking things.
Playful or Serious?: Playful! It’s difficult for me to be serious.

:: About The Battle
Which character from SSB do you absolutely dislike and why?: Jigglypuff. Not very powerful, flies off the screen easily, not very agile… the only good thing about Jigglypuff is its jump.
It's Subspace Emissary time! Pick a partner and explain why: Pikachu. Agile, has some long range attacks, and also it has the thunderbolt that comes out of the sky! I love that attack.
What is the most important thing in a battle: strength, agility or magic?: Agility, though strength is a close second.
You find out that everyone has been turned to statues. Except your archrival of old. Would you be willing to join forces with him for the greater good or not?: Hm... well, if it were for the greater good (*echo The greater good echo*), I guess I would. But I’d be keeping an eye on them!
Describe your Final Smash: Flashy, with a lot of colors, and an explosion that would hit one of the other characters at random. :D

Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

stamped: sonic

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