:: About Yourself
Name/Nickname: Why a name? No need for those here! It's the personality that matters.
Age: Fourteen going on fifteen.
Describe your personality: "You're.. uh.. DIFFERENT." -
nira_bira. (THANKS FOR THE HELP, YOU BUTT.) Though there was a lack of assistance from THE WOMAN I MARRIED ONLINE TWICE on describing my personality, I guess the following is enough: I'm reasonably intelligent, I suppose, though leaning more toward the philosophical side rather than just plain analytical. I'm creative, too, which does show in the odd things I draw! I'm cheery for the most part, though not at all loud/obnoxious because actions speak much louder than words in my book. Humor is something I'm glad I inherited from my father, because then people start coming to you for relief of their sadness; when you make them smile, it feels great (Would that make me compassionate?). I'm adventurous, and enjoy a mixture of being active and just relaxing at home and playing video games. My confidence, modesty, and ambition-levels are pretty neutral. However, I'm also headstrong and often overly prudent.
The thing you like the most about yourself: That I'm no pushover, thus will not stand for anyone else being taken advantage of either.
The thing you hate the most about yourself: I'm indecisive.
Fears: Loosing what I've come to love, whether it's family or the land I live on. And, albeit fearing the supernatural, I can't help but be attracted to the aspect of otherworldly beings (aliens, too).
Pet Peeves: Lack of commas! I can stand spelling mistakes and maybe some grammatical errors, but... Oh, and when throngs of people stand in the middle of a crowded school hallway in between classes, slowing everyone else down by having to slug around them!
Hobbies/Talents These are pretty much leveled down to gaming, building things, reading, investigating the paranormal, drawing, writing/roleplay, traveling, and living my life to the fullest.
:: About Your Choices
Mature or Immature?: Childishly mature.
Leader or Follower?: I don't mind taking on either role, but leading is somewhat more appealing.
Outgoing or Shy?: Oh, outgoing!
Confident or Modest?: I'm confident in my actions, but modest for myself.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Optimistic, and whatever the opposite of Realist is.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium-high.
Listener or Speaker?: Listener.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious.
Playful or Serious?: Mixture.
:: About The Battle
Which character from SSB do you absolutely dislike and why?: I don't dislike any of them, why would I? Yet, Yoshi and I have a bit of a rollercoaster relationship..
It's Subspace Emissary time! Pick a partner and explain why: Zelda Ike, because my semi-powerful attacks, good recovery, and speed would level out his lack of speed, so-so recovery, and immense power.
What is the most important thing in a battle: strength, agility or magic?: MAGIC.
You find out that everyone has been turned to statues. Except your archrival of old. Would you be willing to join forces with him for the greater good or not?: Only depends if he/she would, but that doesn't mean I'll trust him/her in the least.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:
1. 2. 3.