James on the boat, we were leaving the canals on our way to Cabage Key ( a small island) for lunch.
Mike extermly burned!
Tom was actually dumb enough to let Mike ride his motorcycle.
This was pretty much all they did when we weren't out.....they were glued to their computers...
Me on the boat on our way back from Cabage Key
The turtle that walk up to me on Cabage Key
This bird actually pecked at my camra pretty much demanding I take it's picture, also on cabage key
This is the resturant we ate at on cabage key all the walls are covered with dollar bills left by people eating there and they are taped to the ceiling, walls, anything and what ever money falls is donated to charity, they said there is about 70,000$ on the walls and that about 10,000$ falls and gets donated a year. (we didn't add a dollar)
This is the pool/bar and grill area of a nice resort we had lunch there and swam and sunned all afternoon.
This is a very red Mike after only our 1st day in Florida. lol. Poor Mike....
I hope you enjoyed. I have some parasailing picture I will have to post another time...