Jan 01, 2005 02:30
Hey how is evey one doing? Hope you guys had a good time last night, that is if the party is not still going. Yesterday eveyone was asking me whats your new years resolution and i didn't think about it so i didn't have one and today I got one. This year for what ever time i still work here i'm not gonna be such an ass hole to the customers. Just today I cought my self lieing to the first four customers they wanted me to call and do somethings for them that i'm soposed to do and i was like "the company is closed today and won't be open till monday" and i didn't even get up. And yesterday i made this girl call and reset her phone number an other thing i'm soposed to do, i just told her what to tell them. I know i would not like shopping here if i was a customer. Last night was Qool i spent the new year (the count down part) with my famo and then latter i went to my boys house and parttied my ass off i ended up getting home like about 4 i think i had me a good time. Thats early being that last year it took me two days to get home. My sister was trying to get me to drink in front on my popps and i was like nope won't do it even if i wanted to i would not do it in front of him cuz i just have to much respect for the man.
Lately my eyes have been killing me. The more i use them the more the fuckers hurt and i cant stop using them i just can't win here. But thats all good i have an appointment Monday. I hope its like an infection or something that could be fixed with med's cuz i realy don't want wear glasses. It gets to the point were when i close my eyes i could feel my eye ball moving against my eye lids and it just burns. Well thats about it over here peace and take care!