Title: A Bullet and a Twist (2/2)
Author: Tooks
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: FRAO
Summary: After the death of his ex Hotch reaches out to Reid, only find the man has sought his comfort of his own.
Notes: This is AU but there are Season 5 spoilers!! Second part of piece 13 of my
"Breaking the Bonds" series that occurs maybe a few weeks to a month post "100". This one's got a fair amount of sexual activity, some mild reference to child abuse, and angst so consider yourself warned! (Ethan was Reid's friend from Season 2's "Jones".)
"And when somebody knows you well, well there's no comfort like that. And when somebody needs you, well there's no drug like that." ~ Heather Nova Read
Part 1 or the whole series from
the beginning...all pieces are linked for simplicity.
May be X-posted at
cm_hotch_reid, and