Title: The Escape
Author: Tooks
Pairing/Characters: Aaron Hotcher/Emily Prentiss, Emily Prentiss/Ethan, Emily Prentiss/George Foyet, Jason Gideon/OFC, George Foyet/OFC...Jack and Sam are also in this.
Rating: FRAO
Summary: With the death sentence of wrongfully convicted best friend, Sam Kassmeyer, set Private Investigator Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner decides he can’t let it be carried out without a fight. But when fighting back includes breaking Sam out of prison Hotch’s limits are tested.
Beta'd by: Always helpful and incredibly awesome
pink_siameseFanmix & Art by: Incredibly cool
queenmidalah...art post
Additional Notes: This is for the
au_bigbang...I presume, now that it's been up there awhile, I can post elsewhere, haha! Set in the Noir, "Living For the Night" (thanks to
let_it_linger21). Rather than give warnings per-section let's just say there's going to be violence and sex abound, sometimes combined and some involving a teen, mild incest, and a character death. All chapters are linked!! ^_^
"Those gates only open three times. When you come in, when you've served your time, or when you're dead! ~ Gallagher, Brute Force May be X-posted to
ssa_hotchner, and